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Postcards - Here are some postcard views of stations

Below - An undated view of WLW, which also transmitted on shortwave as WLWO, and subsequently became the VOA Mason, Ohio transmitter site.

 Below - A 1942 view of the RCA "Radio Central" at Rocky Point, Long Island, New York, a major utility transmitting plant of the day.

Below - An undated view of a radio station in Motala, Sweden. World Radio Handbooks of the late 1940s and early 1950s indicate that Radio Sweden transmitted from Motala with 12 kw in those days.

Below - Broadcasting House in Oslo, Norway, 1949

Below - An undated postcard of a station in China. On the back of the card is printed: "The Radio Station. In Taihoku, not only for the Island people, but broadcasts to the South in English, Dutch and Chinese." I would say the auto looks late 1930s, early 1940s. Does anyone know just what station this is? (see below for answer)

Below - An undated view of the broadcast house in Berlin (note swastikas on the flags).


Regarding this card, both Adrian Peterson and Henrik Klemetz referred me to Adrian's previous Wavescan articles on the early radio scene in Taiwan, in particular Wavescans #268 (February 13, 2000) and 342 (July 15, 2001; see the "Research" section under "Articles, Research, etc." for #342). Adrian points out that Taihoku was the name for Taipei, Taiwan, when the island was under the Japanese in the era before WW II. So the postcard is from Taiwan, and Adrian feels it probably dates from around 1940, most likely being from JFAB/JFAK, which broadcast first on shortwave and later on both SW and mediumwave. Thanks, AP and HK. -- And in a late E-mail, ace DXer Tetsuya Hirahara of Japan notes as well that Taihoku is the Japanese pronunciation of Taipei, and that the station name is shown in Chinese characters which can be read as "Taihoku Hosokyoku" in Japanese, or "Taipei Broadcasting Station" (JFAK). Thanks, Tetsuya.