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June 1993

Latin America was no less attractive a DX target in the 1930's than it is today, but there were many more stations operating back then.

Here is one YNLG, "Radloernisora Ruben Dario," in Managua. This veri, which is from 1939, is in the classic, old fashioned style that one still sees from the Americas from time to time. Of course, in 1939 it wasn't old fashioned. Shown here are three of the four panels of a folding card (the fourth Is similar to the bottom panel, but in Spanish). The frequency was 6610 kc, reminding us that there was a great deal of out of band broadcasting from Central and South America, particularly in the 6 and 7 mc bands.

Other Nicaraguans active back then included YNAS, Ondas del Xatatlan, 6300; YNBH, Radio Panamericana, 6550; YNPS, La Voz de Nicaragua, 6760; YNOW, La Voz de Ia America Central, 6850; YNAO, Ecos del Aire, 7360; YNFT, La Voz de la Sultana, 7502: YNLAT, La Voz del Mombacho, 7615; and one even higher In frequency, YNXW, Radio America, 8170 kc.